Why use our PACs' @sd23.bc.ca email address?
School DIstrict 23 set up email addresses for every PAC at every school in School DIstrict 23 to facilitate easy dissemination of information, from the school board, COPAC and outside organizations. These emailboxes will always exist, the passwords can be reset by SD23 Help Desk, which allows easy continuity as PAC executive members change from year to year.
If you are currently not checking your PACs' emailbox, you are very likely missing out on potentially important information from the school board; notifications of meetings, invitations to participate in committes that affect the functions of School District 23, notifications of public consultations for grade reconfigurations, school closures, or boundary changes, just to name a few.
Why can't my PAC email be forwarded to my/our PAC email address?
Due to IT security policies at School District 23, email cannot be forwarded from your PACs' email address to an email address of your choosing. This is not a policy within our control to change or modify, unfortunately.
How do I check my PAC email address?
There is a link for "My Mail" on the front page of the COPAC website, which leads you here.
We really don't want to check another email, I'll never remember to check this, isn't there an easier way?
If you have a smartphone, why not add the PAC mailbox to your phone? This makes checking your mailbox simple and easy, and puts the use of the mailbox right at your fingertips. You Can find the instructions to add the mailbox here: Add
outlook Account to Ipad-Iphone.pdf
If you have difficulties adding the email account to your phone, contact SD23 help desk at help.desk@sd23.bc.ca.
We've never used our PAC email address, what is the address and what's the password?
For help with your PAC email address, contact help.desk@sd23.bc.ca . If you have any problems, feel free to contact any of the COPAC executive! All our contact information is found under the Contact Us tab.