COPAC is an elected group of volunteer parents from School District #23 who are committed to ensuring the Parents of our District have a voice. "DPACs are the legislated parent voice at the school district level, representing the collective views of school Parents’ Advisory Councils (PAC) in a school district. DPACs advise the board of education on any matter relating to education in their school district. DPACs advocate for parental involvement in the education system and give input into the development of education policy. As an official stakeholder, the DPAC is offered seat(s) on district committees such as policy, finance budget etc."
The COPAC Executive is dedicated to attending as many School Board and District Committee meetings as possible. We are there to represent you. In order to do that effectively we need to hear from you. One way for that to happen is to make sure that your school has a PAC representative to COPAC, and that they attend the meetings regularly! We will endeavor to keep the meetings relevant, on topic and to an hour and a half if possible! Your participation is encouraged and welcomed.
Meetings are held the first Monday of each month, until further notice meetings will be virtual via Zoom. See the COPAC Calendar for accurate dates and times. We look forward to seeing you.